(Isaiah 43: 13 – 19)
We have to examine ourselves so that we do not abandon God on the way. If we do, we remain stagnant and even backslide. We should not allow the system to change us, but we must be ready to change our world. For us to stand the test of time we must be ready to draw close to, God. We must be ready to go all the way with God. God wants us to build a testimony so that our lives can be an epistle that others will read and come to, Jesus. If we want God to bless us, we must we must be willing to appreciate Him. One of the blessings we receive from God is His Amazing Grace. Grace of God is made sufficient in our weaknesses. In Haggai 2:3, the Bible says “Who is left among you that saw this house in her first glory? and how do ye see it now? is it not in your eyes in comparison of it as nothing? (Haggai 2:3 KJV). The worst bondage anyone can be in is to pretend to be who we are not. The grace of God does not work with our competence. God can make us whatever He wants us to be in spite of our weaknesses.