Sermon Titbits

Don’t Get Wearied, Be A Blessing

Introduction: A household consist of those dwelling together under the same roof. It is the will of God that we be a blessing to those belonging to the household of faith that is those who are connected with us by reasoning of our Christian heritage. In the household of faith, there are different members and each member is different from the other but unique in every way. God is the one who sets us up as members of the same family and it is His desire for us to be stable and set in His household.

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Honor Begets Honor

Honor means to place value on something, great regard, distinction, high respect, and high public esteem. Dishonor means to treat as common, treat in a disrespectful or demeaning manner. Eli was the high priest of Shiloh, the last Israelite judge before the rule of the kings, a descendant of Aaron who enjoyed the priestly covenant that God made with them because of Phinehas’ zeal for Him (Numb.25:10-13). In 1 Sam. 2:12 Eli was aware of the behavior of his sons but he rebuked them too lightly (Prov.3:12; Heb.12:6, Prov.11:14).

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More Than Conquerors

The number one challenge that Christians have is discovering the purpose of God for their life and why God created them (vs.28). We are chosen my God and He had predestinated us for a purpose as royal priesthood (1Pt.2:9); royalty, priests and kings unto God. Kings rule by decrees and that which is decreed must come to pass. In the natural no king is a priest at the same time except the children of God. A priest is on who ministers unto God.

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Overflowing With Signs And Wonders

Introduction: Overflow means to be filled beyond capacity and a sign means an indication or evidence of something. Wonder means amazement, or something that makes you to wonder because it is unusual.In Exodus 5: 1 – 2 and 12: 29, God showed the Pharaoh of Egypt some signs so he could let the children of Israel go free from their captivity.

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The Higher Ground

Introduction: A higher ground is an elevated ground. It could be a hill or a mountain. Spiritually, a higher ground is a place of higher calling. This is a year of overflow and a year of signs and wonders. We learned that one of the secrets to experiencing an overflow is to seek the help of God and to do this, we need to move unto higher ground. God is inviting us into a place of higher calling; He is calling us unto higher ground and we must respond to the call.

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Empty Vessels, Not A Few

Introduction: Overflow means to flow over the brim or limits; to extend beyond the limits. The word of prophecy for the year 2013 is that it is a year of overflow. This will be as a result of the signs and wonders that our God is set to do among us. It is the desire of God for us to dwell in the realm of the overflow this year but there are some secrets we must know in order for it to happen.

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Remembering What God Has Done

Introduction: The last Sunday of the year is a very good time for us to look back and to remember what God has done for us during the year. Remembering what God has done has many benefits which include the following.

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