Sermon Titbits

Gold For Glory

Introduction: Gold is a very valuable and precious commodity that has been used since the ages as a symbol of greatness and excellence. In Exodus 25: 1 – 3, God instructed Moses to tell the children of Israel to bring Him (God) an offering willingly. Their offering should include gold, silver and bronze. When our Lord Jesus Christ was born in Bethlehem, wise men from the East came and gave him precious gifts, the first of which is gold. During an Olympic game, athletes are rewarded with medals for their excellent performance in the specific events in which they participate. Gold medal is the highest award an Olympian receives during the games. Others are silver and bronze.

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It’s The Season Of Favor

Introduction: To be favored means to be singled out of the crowd for a blessing. A person who is favored is blessed beyond the ordinary. The favor of God gives us the blessing we do not deserve and His mercy prevents us from getting the judgment that we rightly deserve. Walking in favor means God is pleased with us and some of the blessings we get because of divine favor include these ones:

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Nay In All These Things

Introduction: One of the things we enjoy as God’s children is knowing His will and purpose for our lives. Knowing the will of God for our lives requires that we have to make plans in order to accomplish His purpose. For example, if you believe it is God’s will for you to go into a particular profession, then you will plan to attend the relevant school that will prepare you for that profession. A person who wants to become a minister of the Gospel will plan to attend a Bible College or a Seminary. This is also true of other vocations.

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A Word In Season

Introduction: A word is a sound, or a combination of sounds, or its representation in writing or printing that symbolizes and communicates a meaning. It is an utterance, an assurance or promise. A season can be a time, or a distinguished period. What is the Word of God?The earth was without form but one day God arose and spoke His word and in six days there was a turnaround. (Gen.1:1). All things were made by God’s word and without the word was nothing made Jn.1:1-5, and in that word was life and darkness disappeared.

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The Rain On My Issue

Introduction: Rain can be defined as condensed moisture or water from the atmosphere falling visibly in different drops. There are four types of rain that can be distinguished in the Hebrew language: i. Yoreh – rain that comes too early; ii. Malkosh –rain that comes too late, iii. Matar – rain that comes in drops, iv. Geshem – rain that is unrestricted. The last type of rain is the one we need. An issue is anything that makes us feel uncomfortable around people.

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Double Portion (Excerpts from a message originally preached by Pastor E. A. Adeboye, the General Overseer of the Redeemed Christian Church of God at the RCCGNA Annual Convention in Dallas TX)

Introduction: This message focuses on how Elisha received a double portion of Elijah’s anointing. After Elisha successfully travelled with Elijah from Gilgal to Jordan, He (Elijah) asked Elisha to mention what he wanted from him before he would be taken to heaven (II Kings 2: 9). Immediately Elisha replied that he wanted a double portion of Elijah’s anointing. There are three areas to focus on in this passage: The role of God, The role of Elijah (Elisha’s father in the Lord), and the role of Elisha in the realization of the double portion.

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Stand Up

We continue the discussion of the series titled overcoming life’s challenges. In my previous message I established that our life is interrupted with diverse types of challenges which to come to different people in different ways. In order to overcome these challenges, some of the principles we can use include looking unto Jesus, focusing on our life’s goals, seeking for God’s help, enduring the pain, being at peace with ourselves and depending on God’s grace. We specifically discussed how we can overcome the challenge of oppression by our enemy by leaning on the everlasting arms of God. We have also discussed how we can overcome the challenge of loneliness by staying connected with one another. This message is based on how we can overcome the obstacle of doubt.

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Depending On A Dependable God

In these times we need to depend on God for everything because the days are evil. We need to depend on Him for our family, work, ministry, and every other area of our lives. To be dependable means to be capable of being depended on; it means to be worthy of trust; or reliable. Dependable also means trustworthy, reliable, tried and true, safe, secure, or good. Our God is dependable; you can trust him and you can rely on Him for everything. He is Jehovah Shammah because He is present everywhere; we can look up to God because He is the Divine Helper, Creator, Providence, Security, Safety, Protective Provision , and Divine Constancy.

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Stay Connected

Introduction: There are many challenges we need to overcome as we live in this world. We have discussed some of the ways we can overcome these challenges brought upon us by ourselves and the enemy. In this message, we focus on another challenge that we need to overcome; the challenge of loneliness. To be lonely means to be solitary, companionless, or isolated. A loner is a person or animal that prefers not to associate with others. Loneliness is not the same as being alone. Someone said loneliness is mankind’s greatest problem and is the major reason behind the many and varied symptoms that people show today.

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God’s Expectation For Us In This House

Introduction: The Bible tells us in Matt 21: 12-17 that Jesus drove the money changers and those buying and selling in the temple of God. Immediately those that came in sick and blind were healed, and they began to cry hosanna to Jesus. So you might say or ask, “I don’t buy and sell, I am not a money changer, how does this apply to me?” We are reminded that in God’s house there should be perfect praise and miracles. God expects us to conduct ourselves orderly in his house (I Tim 3:14). We will consider three aspects of Church meetings: prayer time (includes praise and worship), time of God’s word and seed offering time.

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Leaning On The Everlasting Arms

Introduction: We learned earlier that in order to overcome life’s challenges, there are certain things we must do. These include – Looking unto Jesus, focusing on our goal, seeking for help, enduring the pain, encouraging ourselves, being at peace and depending on God’s grace. Yet another thing we can do as we seek to overcome the enemy is to lean on the Everlasting Arms of our Heavenly Father. One of the fundamental facts of life is that we all pass through diverse difficulties and we don’t always have the capacity to help ourselves except if we depend on God.

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Overcoming Life’s Challenges

Introduction: A challenge is a difficulty, obstacle, or problem that prevents a person from reaching his or her goal. There are many challenges that confront us in life but Jesus confirms to us that with Him we can overcome (Jn. 16:33). The Bible also encourages us to rejoice in tribulations because trials are allowed by God to develop patience in us (Js. 1: 2 – 4). Challenges come to different people in different ways and even though we may not be able to determine the type of trial we will experience, we can always depend on God to overcome.

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